Google Universal Analytics, What is Google Analytics?
Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. Google Analytics uses cookies in order to evaluate your use of website. Browsers do not share cookies across domains.
How Google Analytics Works
Google does not collect or store personal information. Google Analytics prohibits the tracking or collection of personal information or association of personal information with web analytics information. Google Analytics does not report the actual IP address information to Google Analytics customers.
What Google Analytics features are enabled by
The following Google Analytics Advertising features are enabled in respect of use of Google Analytics: While Google Analytic cookies are targeting cookies which use a unique ID and can track your visits around different websites, the information collected is anonymous and you will not be personally identifiable to either Google or Demographics and interests reporting – Understand how site audience breaks down by age, gender, and interests.Google analytics data sharing settings enabled: – Google products & services – shares Google Analytics data with Google to help improve Google’s products and services. Benchmarking – contributes anonymous data to an aggregate data set to enable features like benchmarking and publications that can help understand data trends. All identifiable information about website is removed and combined with other anonymous data before it is shared with others.Technical support – Google technical support representatives have access to Google Analytics data and account when necessary to provide service and find solutions to technical issues. Opt-out: Users may opt out of Google Universal Analytics’ use of cookies by visiting the Google Universal Analytics opt-out page.Storage Location: Google stores the information collected by the cookie on secure Google servers.
Google Adwords, What is Google Adwords?
Google Adwords is an online advertising service provided by Google, Inc.
How Google Adwords Works
Adwords uses temporary cookies that are stored on a user’s computer for a limited period. Only pages that a user has visited containing the Google conversion code are tracked.Google does not collect or store personal information. Conversions are not isolated: This means that Google or cannot match conversion data to specific customers. Instead Google or can just see aggregated for ads and keywords.Opt out: There is no opt-out available for this third party cookie. If you do not wish for this third party cookie to be on your computer, please do not click on Google Ads.Storage Location: Google stores the information collected by the cookie on secure Google servers.
Google Ads Re-marketing, What is Google Ads Re-marketing?
Google Ads Re-marketing is a re-marketing and behavioral targeting service provided by Google Inc. How Google Ads Re-marketing works This website uses the Google Ads re-marketing service to advertise on third party websites (including Google) to previous visitors to site. This could be in the form of an advertisement on a site in the Google Display Network. Third-party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on someone’s past visits to websites.Google does not collect or store personal information.Opt out: Users may opt-out of Adwords Re-marketing use of cookies by visiting the Adwords Re-marketing opt-out page.Storage Location: Google stores the information collected by the cookie on secure Google servers.
Facebook & Instagram Ads, What is Facebook Re-targeting?
Facebook Re-targeting is a re-marketing service provided by Facebook Inc which uses the Facebook Pixel. Both the Instagram and Facebook platforms are controlled by the same advertising platform.
How Facebook Re-targeting works:
The Facebook Re-targeting Service uses the Facebook pixel on The Facebook pixel is a small, invisible piece of code owned and operated by Facebook that tells Facebook to save visitors’ cookies to websites.This website uses the Facebook Re-targeting service to advertise relevant marketing material on third party websites (including Facebook) to previous visitors to site. This could be in the form of an advertisement on a site in the Facebook network. Third-party vendors, including Facebook, use cookies to serve ads based on someone’s past visits to websites.Opt-out: Users may opt-out of Facebook Re-targeting use of cookies by visiting Location: Facebook stores the information collected by the cookie on secure Facebook servers.
What are Facebook Custom Audiences?
Facebook’s custom audiences feature enables URBAN-ASSAULT.iee to create an audience list for sending ads through Facebook.
How Facebook Custom Audiences works
The uses customer data such as email addresses and phone numbers to match (at an email address or telephone level) to Facebook users.When uploads data to Facebook, this data is hashed and the resulting fingerprints are compared with hashed Facebook user email addresses or phone numbers. If imports an email address that’s unknown to Facebook, that record, once hashed, won’t match anything.If a Facebook user clicks on an ad which has been sent to them because they are part of a custom audience list, a Facebook cookie installed on the Facebook website allows their user behavior to be tracked. This enables the to measure the effectiveness of Facebook ads for statistical and market research purposes. The data collected in this way is anonymous to us, i.e. we do not see the personal data of individual users. Opt-out: Users may opt out of Facebook Custom Audiences by visiting Location: This data is stored and processed by Facebook. Facebook may link this information to your Facebook account and also use it for its own promotional purposes, in accordance with Facebook’s Data Usage Policy. You can allow Facebook and its partners to place ads on and off Facebook. A cookie may also be stored on your computer for these purposes.